Water Temperature: 76
Water Clarity: 2-3 feet
Whats up Bass Fishing Hompagers! Sorry I have been gone for a few weeks. I tied the knot with my amazing woman, and we just returned from our honeymoon! Back to the fishing. Be looking for some reports that I have to catch up on. I will also be posting a summer transition article soon!
Right before the wedding I had a trip with some Bass Resource guys that made the trip up to the great Wilson Lake. **The hybrids are in full force at the DAM! We caught at least 100... Crankbaits and topwater**
We caught around 5 smallmouth first thing in the morning, and then we hooked up with this GIANT state record Paddle Fish!!! Once we landed it we called Alabama DNR to see the protocol for these fish. It measured 5'11'' long, and estimated to weight close to 120lbs! They are a protected species, and she was let go unharmed. We took all of the measurements and reported them to the DNR.
They mainly wanted to see the lake so we run and gunned all over the place. It was a high pressure day, but everywhere we stopped we caught 1-2 fish on shaky heads and baby brush hogs.
All in all it was definitely a day to remember!!!