Water Temperature: 55
Water Clarity: Not reported
This report is for Sunday and Monday.
On Sunday Guntersville began to draw down the water, and by the end of the day she was a good 2 feet lower than where she was at daylight. This draw down really has the fish scattered throughout the shallows and a lot of fish have pulled out to deeper staging areas. The fish are not confident in TVA and neither am I!! :D Whenever the water comes back up the fish will move with it and the trap bite will be in full swing.
We found our fish on Sunday mainly using Alabama Rigs in the flash mob version. Throwing swimming flukes and skinny dippers. We fished main lake areas and river ledges throwing up to 3 feet of water and slow rolling it down the ledge back to the boat. Find those transition areas and you will surely find fish.
On Monday I had two boys from lower Alabama or LA as they call it. We had an amazing day of fishing. We caught fish running and gunning mid lake areas throwing rattle traps, chatterbaits, and Alabama rigs. There are definite feeding periods throughout the day. The morning bite was very consistant followed by a lull in the middle of the day. However when 3pm rolled around the bite really turned on for us and we caught them until sunset.
I have days available. Lets go fishing!!!
Tight Lines,
Ryan Salzman